Friday, June 4, 2010

Elevator etiquette

What is the proper etiquette when it comes to the elevator? Does the whole ladies first thing go out the window entirely? Is it last one is first off? If I am on the elevator and someone gets on after me as we go down to the first floor...shouldn't I be the one to exit first? I have been waiting the longest.

And please be aware people that if I don't stick my hand to hold the door back it doesn't mean I'm not holding the elevator for you. It doesn't start to close the doors until I hit a button. I have gotten many a dirty look while patiently standing inside an elevator waiting for someone else to get to it...just because I didn't hold my hand on the door. Makes me want my own personal elevator!


  1. wendy if you invent an inexpensive personal elevator, i am the first in line to buy one, ok? it is confusing. for the most part, the gentlmen in this building let the ladies off first, but i read somewhere a billion years ago that "correct etiquette" is that a man gets on first and exits first bc of some archaic notions of safety... i.e. a man would step on/exit first to ensure its safetiness (lol). i usually am carrying a ton of stuff so its hard to let the other folks out first without injuring them. but otherwise, i agree

  2. I think it's right that it's correct etiquette for the man to get on first in the same way as the man should walk closest to the traffic on the sidewalk, but of course it's all ridiculous. I just normally see men looking confused and not knowing what to do!
